1. Tonight, I will pick up my guest at the airport. Before I go to the airport, I should wash my car first. I want my guest happy and satisfied. Therefore, I should prepare it well. My guest will arrive around seven thirty. He flies by Garuda directly from Tokyo. I should have been at the airport one hour before his arrival time.
2. My guest is a Japanese, but lives in America. His name is Mr Takayama. He has come to Indonesia twice. This is his third visit. In America, he is a teacher at a famous school in New York. He teaches Information Technology. I know this, because on his first visit, he told me about himself.
3. Mr Takayama will stay at my house. He doesn't want to stay in a hotel. He wants to know Indonesia and its people more closely. Now he is preparing a book about Indonesia. The title is Indonesians and their need for information technology. I hope the book will be ready at the end of this year.